Meet my client Oveta. She had the courage and desire to start her Loc Journey. She also had the patience to sit and get it all done in one day instead of two - go Oveta!

Braid Locks or Braid Locs are like regular locs except they are very very tiny (as you can see from the photos). Over time these tiny braidslocs will mature into tiny dreadlocks. These are an awesome alternative to Sister Locks because you get nearly the exact same result for less time and money. They are also ideal for those who want locs but also want a professional and clean look which is sometimes difficult to obtain with larger locs. These Braid Locs are so small that they allow for easy styling.

Here are a few more pictures taken during the 12 hours it took to complete these lovelies. As Oveta's hair grows, changes, and matures I will be sure to take photos and document her journey.

You can see her hair texture and curl pattern fairly well here.
I was so excited to get to that last row ... I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

That little baby one on the last row over to the left would not cooperate for the photo - it refused to go upwards - instead it chose to lay to the left but rest assured it is definitely there. Depending on texture, hair is mostly always finer and thinner around the edges (especially the back edge) - this makes it difficult to tame at times.

That's all for now folks.

___________________________________________________________________________________ ~ Zaaynab Le'Von is a Licensed Braider, Loctician and Natural Hair Stylist based in Southwest Houston. She has more than a decade of experience. To set an appointment and have your hair done in the comfort of your home click HERE For more information on Hair by Le'Von click HERE 


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